You’re ready to take a class at TheraPLAYoga (up top! 🙌) and if you’re like me, you don’t like surprises if it doesn’t end with pie or ice cream.
Whether you’re brand sparklin’ new to yoga, adaptive yoga, or TheraPLAYoga. You wanna know exactly how to prepare for your first yoga class.
Yoga supports physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, you know this. Transparent communication and thorough preparation can greatly enhance your experience.
So, here’s everything you need to know— the do’s & don’ts— to be ready for your upcoming class:
Before Registering for Class:
✅ You read TheraPLAYoga’s Policies & Studio Etiquette. (So some stuff you’ll recognize).
✅ You Consulted Your Physician. Especially, if you have any underlying health conditions.
How to Prepare for Your First Adaptive Yoga Class
Considerations Before You Arrive:
Hygiene Etiquette
- Practice saucha (cleanliness): If you can shower before class, that’s great. If not, go for a quick refresh.
- Avoid strong odors (i.e. perfumes, colognes, other fragrances, or body odor).
What to Wear:
- Comfy clothes are yoga clothes– spandex, sweatpants, gym shorts, or pajama bottoms. Wear breathable clothing that allows for a full range of motion, whether that means fitted or baggy.
- Consider the season and dress accordingly, as studio temperatures are typically around 68°F; a bit warmer in the summer. This could mean bringing bringing a sweatshirt or dressing in light layers.
- Socks or No Socks? It’s up to you. If you go with socks, I recommend grippy socks. Either way, especially with commando feet… (flash back to hygiene etiquette).
- Avoid where large or loud jewelry.

What to Bring:
- You’re welcome to bring your own mat, although not necessary.
- Bring a water bottle.
- A sweat small towel, if you’re concerned about it. (This is not a hot yoga studio).
- Avoid bringing large bags & unrelated things inside.
What to Eat:
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat a light meal or snack a 1-2 hours before class.
- Avoid bringing food or snacks into the studio.
- Avoid heavy meals that may make you feel sluggish and caffeinated beverages that can make you jittery.
Reverse-math your ETA ⏰
Arrive 10-15 Minutes Early
This allows you time to settle in, find your spot, and prepare for your practice. (The arrival to-do list… it’s coming up).
Navigate to: 2015 E. Michigan Avenue Lansing, MI 48912
Parking options:
- Park in city lot 8, behind the studio, which usually costs but currently doesn’t. Always check to be sure.
- Street parking, which is free. Please be respectful of my residential neighbors’ space.
- Comin’ in on CATA? Bus stops are right out front.
Studio Etiquette & Expectations:
What to do with your 10-15 minutes before class:
- Shoes and outerwear have a designated areas near both doors. Avoid wearing shoes on the blue floor or going far on the wood floor. You’re welcome to bring a clean pair of shoes to practice in, if shoes help your practice.
- Turn off or silence your phone. Consider leaving it in your car or with your shoes/coat. No pictures or videos are permitted during classes.
- Wash your hands or use the provided hand sanitizer. Sometimes practice involves touching our face. This is just a healthy habit to stay cootie free.
- Sign in: Name, Email, Emergency Contact, Signature.
- Make your name tag.
- I have a hard time remembering names.
- This serves as a memory trigger to your intake form.
- Grab a mat (if you didn’t bring your own), take a spot on the blue floor. I’ll likely have place holders down to guide you where to set up.
- Doors lock at the start of class. There is no late entry. Do not knock or rattle the door.
- If you need to leave class early, do so quietly and with minimal disruption. Once you leave, there is no re-entry.
What to expect at the start of class:
I always start with introductions. Intros can be a simple as your name and pronouns or additionally, an ice-breaker Q & A.
I’ll explain more about the class, me, and TheraPLAYoga. The goal is to tell you enough, so you feel informed and not too much to overwhelm you.
What to expect at the end of class: 15 minutes post class
- Leave all my props. I’ll need to sanitize before putting them away.
- I’ll unlock the doors.
- Your exit process is yours.
- You have 15 minutes before the studio need to be empty & I lock up.
- I can chat for a bit afterwards, but being mindful as to not use all that time towards one person.

Post Class Check-in
I’ll send you a follow up email to check in or continue a discussion we didn’t have time for.