TheraPLAYoga is a place & practice founded on the virtues of inclusion & accessibility; filling in the gap by offering affirming, trauma-sensitive, neuro-inclusive, and anti-ableist environments that honor each individual’s experiences and intersecting identities with agency-based practices that truly serve diverse bodies, brains, and abilities.
I serve this purpose of accessibility, inclusion, equity, compassion, and agency through education, clear expectations, honest communication, practicing what I teach, and accountability.
I do so in TheraPLAYoga studio, online platforms, written communications, event locations, and in relationship with partners and vendors.
It is also my intention to
prioritize sustaining my business, my family, and mySELF.
To do that- I need to bring your awareness to my and
TheraPLAYoga guidelines and boundaries BEFORE we work together…
Because if you aren’t aligned with everything on this page, this ain’t the place for you.
By enrolling and/or participating in a TheraPLAYoga program, you pinky swear to have read, understood, and agree to TheraPLAYoga policies and code of conduct and the consequences of not doing so.
Code of Conduct
General Guidelines
- TheraPLAYoga prohibits discrimination, judgment, and harm on the basis of another’s: cognitive and/or physical ability, body size, age, skin tone, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, political affiliation, religion, education level, citizenship, family dynamic, or lived experience.
- TheraPLAYoga prohibits: harassment, unsolicited physical contact, unwanted sexual advances, threats of violence, intimidation, or offensive remarks towards ANYONE (including everyone and service dogs).
- Weapons and Firearms, even those carried legally, are prohibited from TheraPLAYoga spaces.
- TheraPLAYoga prohibits engaging with service dogs without explicit permission and consultation from the handler.
- TheraPLAYoga prohibits pets and emotional support animals, who are not trained service animals.
- TheraPLAYoga prohibits participation or observation by yoga teachers and yoga teachers in training, to ensure capacity and accessibility for intended students.
Community Engagement & Agreements
- Students will respect all people and service dogs in TheraPLAYoga studio or other spaces (event locations, online); refraining from behaviors or language that violate the general guidelines.
- Students will strive to honor their bodies and brains. Firstly, by seeking doctor approval before beginning a new practice.
- Payers will consider their social location (proximity to privilege and power) and capacity for payment of services with honesty and integrity.
For Parents & Caregivers STAYING with their Beloved
You are welcome to BE PRESENT at the studio with your beloved, however there are a few things to note.
- Refrain from talking on your phone or chatting in general.
- No pictures DURING class. After class and during office hours is appropriate timing.
- Drop off options only apply to classes when it’s specifically stated in the class description; and it requires additional qualifications and paperwork.
- You cannot just step outside– if it’s not designated as a drop-off class, you must take your beloved with you (in the least disruptive manner possible). The door locks behind you with no reentry, refund, or proration.
- Only children who are registered should be present. Consider the space and the intention of this space. This may mean- you use this as intentional time with one child OR take a family class that specifically suits siblings across the ages.
Drop-Off Policy
Drop-off is ONLY an option when notated in class descriptions. Here are my policies regarding minor beloved and dependant-adult beloved drop-offs:
- Student must be bathroom and hygiene independent.
- Student must be able to follow my directions.
- Student must be unbothered by parent/guardian leaving.
- Drop off is between when doors open to when class starts/doors lock.
- Pick up is at the close of class, when doors unlock.
- Beloveds must be signed in and out by the same person.
- I reserve the right to deny drop-off option; even if the option is available in class description.
Additional waivers and contracts also need to be signed by the parent/guardian, including:
- Notice that in case of a serious emergency, I will call 911 before I call you.
- Must include emergency contact.
- Must sign LATE LIABILITY contract; in which you agree to pay $10 for every (rounded to) 5 minute increment you are late to picking up your beloved. “LATE” constitutes as the time class ends/doors are unlocked.
- Ex: $10 fee if you’re 3 minutes late to pick up. $20 fee if you’re 7 minutes late.
Studio Class General Etiquette & Expectations:
- Arrive when doors open: 10-15 before class starts, to do all the things & get settled in the space.
- Only bring what you require for class.
- Refrain from using fragrances or carrying other strong smells with you.
- Turn off/silence cell phones & devices or don’t bring them in at all.
- Remove your shoes and coats at designated spaces near entrances. Including during office hours.
- CONSULT PHYSICIAN FIRST, especially if you have a health condition.
- If you NEED to leave class early, do so in a fashion that is the least disruptive as possible.
- Do not come to class sick.
- Follow Code of Conduct and Community agreements.
Additional Best Practices:
- Sign up for emails. Save my contact and mark it VIP in your email. This way, you won’t miss communication.
- Follow @TheraPLAYoga on Facebook and/or Instagram
- No shoes on the blue floor (unless orthotic or similar that aids in stability & safety).
- Grippy socks or clean commando feet (typically body wipes are provided in bathroom).
- Practice Saucha (cleanliness) by washing your hands or using sanitizer before class begins.
- Be on your mat/at your spot at the start time of class.
- Dress comfy: any comfy clothes are yoga clothes. Consider the time of year, as normal temp is set about 68℉.
- Refrain from carrying strong smells: Including but not limited to smoke (cigarette, marijuana, etc), body sprays/fragrances, unclean body odors, etc. Typically, body wipes are provided in the bathroom.
- NEVER EVER, EVER NEVER flush products other than toilet paper. All other products need to go in the garbage cans provided.
Pre-registrations are always required.
Make sure you pre-register for class as early as you know you can commit to that day and time. For now, registration opens on a rolling 7 day basis to ensure fair sign ups and prevent registering too far out.
Waitlist List:
I do not have a waitlist. Instead, I have an interest list.
When an activity is full or it’s not a good day/time for you… Or maybe it’s SO close to being for you and/or your beloved but that glass slipper still feels a little… ‘meh… Send me an email.
Door Locking:
To fortify a safe space and prevent interruptions, I lock the doors at the start of class time.
No late entry is allowed and is considered a “No Show.”
Independent adult students who NEED to leave early have access to unlocking either door themselves.
I will most definitely walk you out. However, the door locks behind you and there’s no reentry, refund, or proration.
No Shows, Late Arrival & Cancellations:
- No Shows constitute as not showing up at all or showing up late; after the doors lock. (Do not disrupt class).
- I do not offer refunds or prorations on No Shows.
- I do not accept cancellations and therefore do not offer refunds or prorations.
No Show and Cancellation fees are used in my Accessibility & Sustainability program, which helps sustain me while offering therapeutic, playful yoga to those experiencing financial hardship and/or towards scholarships for financial accessibility.
Do NOT come to any activity sick. Students (and attending parent/guardian) must be symptom free for 48 hours (2 full days) and fever free for 72 hours (3 full days). If I observe sick symptoms, I reserve the right to remove you from class without refund or proration.
A raincheck may be offered. However, if it’s habitual, I reserve the right to NOT give a raincheck and I do NOT offer refunds or prorations.
In the event that I need to cancel a class for my reasons, I will send an email and post on Facebook and Instagram.
A class I cancel, will be rescheduled on a similar day and time. If a rescheduled class does not suit your availability, a raincheck for another class will be offered.
In case of inclement weather or other potentially dangerous situations, I will make the decision to cancel classes or activities at least 2 hours ahead of time. Unless it’s a situation that develops abruptly and gives less time to notify. Please check TheraPLAYoga Facebook or Instagram and email for these announcements.
Refund & Returns:
- I do NOT offer refunds, returns, or prorations on any purchases.
- I do NOT offer refunds or prorations on No Shows, late arrivals after doors lock, cancellations, or code of conduct and policy infractions.
- I do NOT offer extensions on any activity or intro offers to private sessions.
- In the event of local, state, or federal government mandated business closure for public health and/or safety reasons or other business interruptions, all classes and activities will continue and grant the holder access to virtual livestream and/or pre-recorded video classes.
- No refunds or prorations will be issued for unused time on prepaid programs.
- Deposits are non refundable.
Rain checks & Transfers:
- All classes and activities are non-transferable.
- A Rain check to a comparable class will be given when I need to cancel a class and the rescheduled activity does not suit you.
- A rain check may also be provided on your and/or your beloved’s sick day.
Intro Special for Private Sessions:
- Only one Intro Special may be purchased per person.
- The Intro Special is valid for new clients only.
Lost & Found:
TheraPLAYoga is not responsible for any lost or stolen items in the studio or event locations.
I do, however, hold on to lost items until office hours (hours shared on Facebook and Instagram). Please email me for any items you may have left behind.
Outdoor Pop-Up Yoga Classes:
- Outdoor classes have the same policies and code of conduct guidelines and boundaries as in studio activities.
- Outdoor class descriptions will include necessary details.
Picture and Video Policy for Public Events:
TheraPLAYoga LLC, Gloria Treviño, their representatives, or collaborators have the right to take photographs of participating students and their property in connection with a public activity (i.e. community events held outside the studio and hosted by someone other than me). TheraPLAYoga LLC may use or share such photographs of students and for any lawful purpose, including as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content- with the permission of the image owner (typically photographer or event host).