Mindfulness for Parents with Children with Complex Needs
Private Coaching call for parents in Lansing, MI
Mindfulness Strategy Calls for Sustainable Positive Parent Caregiving & Self-Care
investment $75
Requires Internet access & Zoom camera on
1-on-1 Zoom meeting- sensory wellness strategizing or positive parenting coaching
Get personalized & goal focused attention
Pay by-the-hour for only what you need
Call recording & write up of Gloria’s notes delivered
Think Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo sesh; if you’re in a parenting pinch for a Cinderella-solution like… now…
Or aren’t available for the immersive magic of playshops and private yoga program sessions.
These 60-minute wand-waving mentoring calls with moi are comin’ in on 2 carriage wheels for ya.
🪄 You’ve hit your stress threshold ~ up to your eyeballs in overwhelm ~ and need the equivalent of an HGTV makeover to tear down and toss out antiquated methods of discipline and have a clean foundation to rebuild connection and collaboration for the peaceful home of your dreams.
🪄 You’re a (partnered or solo) parent who is struggling and feels alone, unsupported, judged, exhausted and dizzy from rolling your eyes at unsolicited and ill-informed advice from people who have NO clue.
🪄 You’re beloved’s sensory challenges has you confused and mentally and emotionally exhausted; after the internet/Instagram investigating, you THINK you have it nailed, but there’s still a sense of struggle and unpredictability, and you’re too over-loaded to even know anymore.
🪄 You know you want your beloved to have a sensory diet, routines, a calm down corner, and all the rest; but don’t know where to start or how to introduce it all to make it work.
🪄You JUST received a diagnosis for your beloved – autism, ADHD, a chromosome anomaly, or a medical condition- and you’re in this strange headspace that mobilizes you into action to learn and do all the right things, RIGHT NOW; but also paralyzes you with confusion and grief. You need compassionate guidance and support navigating these opposing nervous system reactions.
🪄 You have more than a child with complex needs… YOU have complex needs. You experience chronic stress, mental and emotional exhaustion, burnout, and chronic illness…and feel unsupported. I getchu and I gotchu.
🪄 It’s time for a behaviors audit: pop the hood, take a look, and offer insight on what ’s really going on, why it manifests as behavioral challenges, and advice on what and how to tweak using a low-demand, connection-based Positive Discipline model.
🪄 You need a by-the-hour deep dive of something we’ve chatted about previously in a curiosity call.
This is essentially for you to… (don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it)… pick my brain. It is what it is.
I’ll bring my A-game, colored pens, snacks and sips to the table for a compassionate, power-hour of 1-on-1 time with YOU.
So you can learn how to use specific skills and strategies to address challenges, support your child’s development and sustain mindfulness and compassion in communication, day to day activities, and care for your family and yourself.
Pin the date and let’s get you on the yellow brick road to clarity, connection, and can-do empowerment that covers every minute and penny of your investment.